Presentation review and future plans

-Lizzie Seymour

Our presentation went really well. The game looked really awesome, people seemed to appreciate our enemy choices, and I think we got all of our ideas and concept across successfully.

Now the stage we are at means that when we pick this up again next term, we should have very little coding left to do. We need to fix the scoring aspect, it needs to add the present and future scores together, and needs to stop subtracting from the score when in the past, but this should be simple, we just ran out of time this time. We also want to get the obstacles in each level spawning automatically, rather than our current method which is giant levels all mapped out, with time posts at the end that you just can’t avoid, so the levels never end 😉 We also need to kill the character when he hits buildings, as well as just enemies as at the moment.

Mainly though, next term will be about getting some nicer graphics in there, some more cool 3D from Billy (hopefully the character at different ages, and some awesome enemies!) and some funky 2D buildings and environments, as well as some nice parallax to give it more depth. We’ll also have some sound in there, I think we’re going for ambient background noise rather than music, and probably some sound effects for the shooting and stuff.

I’ve really enjoyed this project so far, and think the team have been pretty awesome to work with too, I can’t wait to see what Nanoblur looks like in the end!

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